Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Types of Long Term Care Insurance

Regardless of what some people might think, medical insurance will not cover the disbursals and services that long term care insurance covers.

There are three types of long term care insurance. The first program is the skilled nursing care. It have to be ordered by a doctor and the patient must be able to fully retrieve word form his or her unwellness or injuries. It affects a treatment plan, skilled therapy with a accredited healer and nursing care.

Intermediate nursing care is another type of long term care insurance. Likes skilled nursing care it must be ordered by a doctor and the patient must be able to retrieve from their unwellness or injury. Unlike skilled nursing care, Intermediate nursing care is not provided on a day-to-day basis. It depends on what treatment and therapy program tht the physician have ordered. It is basically a prescribed as needed to get well plan.

The guardian nursing care program is the full coverage program of long term care insurance. Custodial care includes day-to-day nursing care and nursing aid walking, eating, bathing and other hygiene matters, and also includes colostomy and catheter use, as well. Custodial care can be an in home care plan, an assisted life care program or a nursing home plan. It can range from a few hours per hebdomad to 24 hours per day. The purpose is that the patient will not be able to retrieve from their injuries or illnesses.

Studies how that 40% of the people who have any type of long term care services are under the age of 65. Studies also demo that there is a 50% opportunity that a individual will need some type of long term care service after the age 65.

Long term care insurance is right for many people, but if you are in the place that you can pay for your care with assets then long term care insurance might not be the best idea.


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