Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mortgage Net Branch Technology Has Evolved

There are many experienced loan officers and mortgage professionals that spend many hours of their day constantly scouring the internet and making phone calls to find a mortgage net branch. Well thanks to the latest technology help is on the way. Some of the top recruiters in the industry have put their heads together and started a site called mortgage net branch.

A mortgage net branch has certain niches and weaknesses as does any lender and a net branch such as one of your better companies like Apex Lending, Inc can have all of the strong points about their program available for anybody that is thinking about possibly going out on their own and becoming a mortgage net branch. There are other companies such as Amerifund Lending where you can find out what their monthly fee's are as well as any upfront costs.

I personally spend a lot of time reporting all of the latest in industry news for the mortgage observer and now with the start of http://www.mortgagenetbranch.tv
I can find a lot of important information about any net branch in half the time. Apex Lending, Inc has been around for a long time and they are very careful who they bring on as a loan originator so make sure that you always keep a good credit score because if you have any credit or background issues you may need to look at joining a different mortgage net branch. The new technology is not intended to be just a web site. It's going to have a You Tube type of setup where the host will actually talk to the viewers and give them good information.

Premier Group Financial is another company that you may hear them talking about as well as many other net branch type of companies. They are a good company as well although there may be some strengths that they have that maybe another net branch doesn't offer. Some companies offer the ability to do business in more states and some others are signed up with certain lenders that might appear to be attractive.

The managers at many of the satellite and net branch companies do recommend that there is a right way and a wrong way to do your homework and ask questions when searching for a net branch. Make sure you ask good questions. Don't be offended when they net branch company asks you certain questions. You need to remember these are the people that will be signing your paychecks. They may want to make sure that you will be a good fit for them as well as them being a good fit for you. Many of the managers say that they deal with many people that seem to have the idea that it's all about them and that the net branch company will do whatever possible in order to recruit them. They say that's a turnoff and that those people should go work for the less credible companies that will basically hire anybody and their brother regardless of what their credit and background looks like.

The other thing they say is that many prospects get upset when they hear about fees. Anybody that has ever had real success in life realizes that you have to give in order to get. It's one thing to be frugal but it's another thing to be cheap and that if a company has a $99 per month technology fee that you need to instead look at that as a 'cost of doing business' fee. It takes money to make money and if the net branch can provide you with all of the tools in order to be successful then who really cares about a monthly fee. In order to get, you need to first give.

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