Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Watch for the Price Points

Have you ever noticed how many terms aren't round figures?

Many stores utilize the maneuver of £9995, rather than £10,000, as it sounds a batch less, even thought it's only a five-spot less.

The daft thing is that people are taken in by this and once they've heard the first figure, they don't always take account of the remainder of the number.

Marks & Herbert Spencer went the other manner a couple of old age ago when they realised that the cost of processing all the change caused by the 99p termination of the prices, acutally cost them about 50p per transaction - so they rounded up all their figs to round numbers, to reduce the coin they took in. (Similarly, offering cash-back to consumers reduces the volume of short letters they process, which reduces their bank charges)

The same thing haps with houses.

I was talking with an estate agent this week, on the manner back from looking at a house, and I asked him how he saw the local lodging market. He told me that anything under £100k was selling within a week, but anything over that was taking longer and anything over £150k wasn't selling at all.It looks brainsick that people would lose out on a house because it was just into six figures, but people have got psychologial barriers when it come ups to money.

As an investor there's 2 angles to work here.

The places that cost over 150k are likely to be picked up for less than that, if you can happen person who desires to travel quickly, but also given time, the estate agents will prove the £100k ceiling, until everything is priced over that amount. Once this happens, it won't be long before you see terms of £110 and £120k.

This isn't a property phenomenon, as it haps in the currency markets and equity markets, where these points are called opposition levels.

So, I've been purchasing at 10% price reduction to market value, rather than my usual 15% because I can see a £10k capital addition as soon as the country interruptions the £100k barrier.

So what adjacent ? I'll refinance to get as much of my sedimentation out and expression for the adjacent country - which I've already establish and is only 6 calendar months behind. In that area, the agents are advertisement at above £100k for the larger terraced houses, with the purpose of taking just below the charming figure for a quick sale. As soon as they begin to sell at this level, the local estate agents will utilize their scientific expression for assessing houses of seeing what's sold recently and then adding on 10%, which will force the market norm to above the £100k.

Once the terms interrupt this ceiling, there's another terms point at £120k, owed to the postage duty threshold.

People will make terms points beyond which they don't desire to spend, for illustration the figure of £100,000 could be one of these charming figures.

So expression out for countries that are averaging just below or about thresholds as should see a large leap in values once places begin to interrupt through the terms point.


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